CPFO Exam Prep


The recorded training seminars are available to CPFO Candidates enrolled in the CPFO program.

Please see the CPFO Candidate Guide to learn how to enroll in the program, the steps to develop a study plan, and more.

The CPFO Exam Prep series includes recorded GFOA training seminars relevant to topics in the seven CPFO exam content outlines. More recordings will be added to the product as the events occur. Recordings will also be removed as they become outdated or new ones are available.

The practice tests are not intended to be an exhaustive review of all topics to pass the official CPFO exams. They supplement the recommended readings, best practices, and recorded seminars.

The recorded eLearning Courses will help you prepare for the exam, but the training was not developed solely to support the CPFO exams. There will be topics on the exams that may not be emphasized or covered directly in training. We provide the training (along with best practices, research articles, etc.) to help candidates gain familiarity with the topics. The exams will cover topics covered in all of the recommended study resources.

Please see the "study terms and concepts" handout available for each exam for details on topics examinees should be familiar with for the official CPFO exams.

To view the content outlines and additional materials recommended for each exam, please go to the CPFO Exam Content and Specifications page.

If you have questions, please email us at certification@gfoa.org

Please note that viewing the recorded seminars does not qualify for NASBA CPEs.

The GFOA Learning Management system is not compatible with Internet Explorer. We recommend using Chrome or Firefox to access the LMS.