2022 GFVF - CPFO Prep - REMOVAL ON 3/31/2025

This section of the CPFO Prep product will be removed on March 31, 2025.

Please note that viewing the recordings from the 2022 GFOA Fundamentals Virtual Forum do not qualify for NASBA CPEs.

The recordings are provided as supplemental study resources for the CPFO exams.

The sessions related to the CPFO exam topic areas are:

  1. Accounting - An Introduction to the Essentials of Governmental Accounting - 100 minutes
  2. Planning & Budgeting - Designing a More Collaborative Budget System - 100 minutes
  3. Procurement - The Essential Role of Procurement in Your Government - 75 minutes
  4. Treasury - An Overview of the Treasury and Investing Functions in Government - 100 minutes
  5. Debt - An Intro to Debt Issuance and Management - 75 minutes
  6. Compensation & Benefits - The Fundamentals of Benefits and Compensation - 75 minutes
  7. Risk Assessment - Intro to Uncertainty, Risk, and Probabilistic Thinking - 50 minutes

If you are unable to view the content, please email eroach@gfoa.org for access.

Firefox is recommended to view the videos.


Accounting - An Introduction to the Essential Elements of Governmental Accounting
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Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin. The public sector environment is fundamentally different from that in which private-sector organizations operate, thus different accounting and financial reporting practices have developed for governments. This session will provide an introduction to the conceptual and practical ways in which generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) for governments differ from that used for private companies and familiarize participants with the purpose and use of fund accounting, the three fund categories, and the different measurement focuses and bases of accounting used in government financial statements. Additionally, participants will become acquainted with the financial reporting model used by state and local governments, and the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report. Click here for additional information about the session.
Planning & Budgeting - Designing a More Collaborative Budget System
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Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin. When local government folks talk about “the budget,” they often are referring to the document that their governing body has approved that outlines expected revenues and expenses for the upcoming year, but GFOA believes the budget is more than that—it’s a system that includes not only the allocation of resources but also the planning that precedes the allocation of resources as well as monitoring how resources are utilized in support of the government’s goals. In this session, learn how collaboration can help local governments improve their entire budget system--planning, budgeting, and monitoring--in support of a thriving community.
Procurement - The Essential Role of Procurement in Your Government
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Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin. Procurement is an essential function for all governments and serves to provide service that connects public sector operations with private sector suppliers, contractors, and providers. Procurement is also a key part of finance and all finance officers need to have a basic understanding of what procurement is, how it fits within an organization, and the outcomes that it provides. In this session, instructors will cover the basics of public procurement, provide an overview of key processes and policies, highlight important features and tools of modern procurement functions, and explain how the profession can evolve to better meet the needs of governments.
Treasury - An Overview of the Treasury and Investing Functions in Government
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Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin. A government's Treasury operations contain numerous responsibilities related to the receipt, disbursement and investment of public funds. GFOA has numerous resources to help governments be aware of the importance of policies and procedures related to these tasks. This session will help governments be aware of the key components of the Treasury office, and how to begin or enhance their policies and procedures.
Debt Management - An Introduction to Debt Issuance and Management
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Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin. There are numerous responsibilities issuers of municipal debt must tackle, regardless of the size of their government. Knowing how to incorporate debt management policies and procedures and be aware of the federal regulatory regime over municipal securities are key attributes when issuing debt and managing outstanding debt. This session will provide an overview of available resources on debt management topics to help all types of governments.
Compensation & Benefits - The Fundamentals of Compensation and Benefits
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Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin. Knowing the landscape of public sector compensation, pension and benefits functions are beneficial to the fundamental understanding of government finance and governments generally. This event will provide an overview of resources and practices related to compensation and benefits structures, the types of pension plans often used in this sector, and how best to communicate these programs to employees.
Risk Assessment - Introduction to Uncertainty, Risk, and Probabilistic Thinking
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Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin. Local governments are subject to all kinds of risks, from natural disasters, to cyberattacks, to the risk actual revenues will come in under the forecast. Management guru Peter Drucker famously said, “If you can't measure it, you can't manage it.” It stands, then, that a first step towards managing these risks is being able to measure them. Probabilistic thinking is the essential discipline for measuring risk. This session will provide an introduction to probabilistic thinking by equipping you with five essential tools for getting your mind around risks and setting you up to measure and manage risks with rigor. We’ll also provide Excel spreadsheets to help you apply and practice these skills.